May 27, 2024

Icon Painting

 I made a change in my art practice and currently painting Orthodox Icons. Please visit my website

Nika Icons

January 14, 2019

Commission process. Stage #1

I want to share my process of working on a commissioned piece. I have done a few of them in the past. I will use the oil painting landscape of a New Westminster Cemetery I have done for Sandra as an example here. Hoping that these series of posts will be useful for both the customers and the artists.

Initial meeting
We would spend an hour or so talking about all aspects of the commission. This can be done in person or over a Facetime or Skype call. Usually people have some idea in mind when they approach an artist. Things to consider:
  1. Medium and surface
  2. Size 
  3. General genre ( landscape, portrait, ect)
  4. Idea
  5. Examples
  6. Style
  7. Level of details
  8. Studies/sketches
  9. Timeline
Also at this stage we are trying to bond, see if we can work together and if we understand each other clear. 


After discussion with the client I can give estimate price which does not include revisions, additional details and framing. 

The final price will include price for sketches, all supplies, size-based price for finished work, one revision after each step of the process ( after sketches, after drawing, after color studies, ect.) More revisions will cost additional money.

I also will ask for a security deposit, usually the price of sketches and supplies. 

Second meeting

I show sketches and examples to better illustrate how the finished work could look like. At this meeting we will agree or disagree on a final price and the direction of the art work. 

Photos below show photos of New Westminster Cemetery Sandra provided for me to work with plus some process details. She didn't want the direct representation of the specific place in the cemetery, rather she wanted the collected look of the most interesting parts of the place. For this reason I have avoided making sketches or studies on location, which I normally would do. But I have visited the place and took specific photos.

May 7, 2018

Home, Sweet Home...

This building belongs to the Catholic Church, and rented by Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco ORTHODOX CHURCH in Vancouver BC. The current situation of our parish is not easy. We are looking for a generous donation to be able to purchase this building in East Vancouver OR rent a new space for worship and fellowship. If you have any information or want to help, please get in touch with me ( or our priest Fr. Justin  (
This artwork is created by Veronika McLeod.

June 9, 2017

Farmers Market at Granville Island

This year in Vancouver we experience days with unusually wet and cold weather. June 8 was one of those days. Despite the coldness and water splashes all over the place, I enjoyed my experience there. It was a special pleasure to meet people, who come to see Vancouver from around the world- Hawaii, Netherlands, Turkey, USA, Australia. Thank you all who stopped by my tent and shared warm conversation.
 This is the painting I did, while trying to keep warm. It shows the day perfectly - wet and fun.

May 31, 2017

Plein Air at Granville Island - June 8, 2017

Hello all who comes across my blog. You have an opportunity to see me painting at Granville Island upcoming Thursday, June 8 from 10am to 3pm. The location is in between Public Market and Netloft @ Triangle Square. It is a part of Canadian Artist Federation event,  which is happening at Farmers Market this year. There few local artist can paint and sell their artwork - more information here. See you there!

May 30, 2017

Painting Wonderful Creek in Olympia WA

The season of Plein Air is open with wonderland location - secret farm in Olympia WA. This place was so captivating, that I wasn't able to hold myself from sparing couple hours to enjoy it. Beautiful quiet creek with calm smooth movement of water is still in my dreams and is forever captured on my painting.

May 27, 2017

Rove Art Walk 2017

Wow. Thank you very much to 400 people who came through my studio. It was pleasure to talk to you and meet you. See you all next year.

May 16, 2017

Upcoming Exhibition May 26, 2017

I am taking part in the Mount Pleasant art event - Rove Art Walk.
 My studio will be open on May 26th from 6 to10pm. The address is 2414 Main Street, Vancouver, BC (Gene Studios)

Everyone is welcome to come and see latest body of my artwork, meet me in person and see the studio where I paint and teach classes. There will be snacks and fine music.

March 10, 2017

Russian Plein Air

The end of 2016 was marvelous. I got to visit my family in Russia! Two wonderful months and tons of great painting experience. 
Here is Timothy at the Black Sea beach. 
 This one is painted at Valaam Monastery located in the North of Russia on the Lake Ladoga.
 And of course I painted beautiful St Petersburg.

February 4, 2017

My Artwork Store

Now you are able to find more of my works available for sale. Take a look at my Etsy Shop. If you interested to have one of the paintings on this blog, which is not listed on Etsy, please contact me and we can set it up on Etsy or make a direct transaction.

November 12, 2016

Painting Fun

In the midsts of hot California desert my friends Jenny and Learning asked me to paint something "american" on their truck.  What can be more "american" than the eagle?  What can be more cool than the eagle killing a snake? 

May 12, 2016


Really pushing myself to sketch this year. Sometimes inspiration is coming when I don't have supplies on me, next time, I am thinking. But next time I carry all my pencils and sketchbook for weeks and muse doesn't come to me...
In the moments of clarity I simply call it laziness, luck of motivation and absence of self-control. These qualities are treasures for any artist.

April 20, 2016

Honeymoon Paintings

During my honeymoon trip to West Coast of USA and Mexico Baja I did a few paintings. Enjoyment of a spectacular scenery of the Big Sur was excellent...
Here in the warm beach of Santa Cruz I understood how little one person needs to have everything. The stars, the ocean and the sun- felt like the whole world was mine. This feeling brought by love in the hearts, it illumines all things and makes everything special... 
Time spent with my husband was wonderful and I had a plenty of inspiration. He was my muse, and love was all over us...

At the exciting and colorful Baja we found a quiet beach. Seasonal crowds were far away, and in the calmness of the sand there was two souls walking side by side...
 We experienced many things together: visited friends in Phelan, CA and discovered hidden treasures in the sands of Salvation Mountain, stack in LA traffic and flew kite in Huntington Beach, went walking in Tijuana at night and enjoyed Orthodox Churches in San Francisco. This trip was connecting me to a brighter, simpler and warmer side of art. I wish my paintings can tell you more about it.

March 10, 2016

I have stolen Veronika Bekker's blog!

Dear all who ever crosses my blog, may be you even follow me or just coming breathly across this page... friends and family. I am very excited to announce new person with old habits...the one and the only... quick in painting... complicated and colorful...

I have waved good bye to Veronika Bekker, and welcome Mrs. Veronika McLeod; who is so delighted and honored to carry her husband's last name since January 24, 2016.

Well, collectors, hurry up to get my last Veronika Bekker paintings, and look out for the paintings from my honeymoon signed Veronika McLeod. Here is my first painting as Veronika McLeod:

'Bootleg Camping at China Beach'

December 21, 2015

Merry Christmas: December Opus Demo

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and an all around wonderful holiday season. The Ala Prima painting demo at Opus on Dec 19th was a lot of fun, thank you for everyone who attended the demo, and for all the helpful staff of Opus for facilitating the event. Here are some of the pictures of our Christmas bouquet coming to life on canvas with oil paint at the demo.

November 19, 2015



November 21st from 1pm-5pm, join us at Gene Studios on Main Street for our last show and sale of the year. Several studios will be open, and we've invited a special selection of additional artists to join us and show their works. Participating artists include Jamie Smith, Rebecca Chaperon, Sunshine Frere, WASTED EFFORT, Tara Galuska, Genevieve Dionne, Donna Giraud and Veronika Bekker. Gene Studios is located on the second floor of the building. The door to enter the studios is located just toe the right or RATH's Art Supplies on Main Street. We will have a sign on the door so you can't miss us! In addition to a spectacular selection of art and gifts, festive refreshments and snacks await. See you on the 21st of November!

November 18, 2015

Ala Prima Painting Demonstration in December!

Please, come to a painting demonstration at OPUS on December 19th. This event is free and all you need to register is to call Opus Downtown at 604-678-5889 to reserve a spot.

Points on how to be ready to paint Ala Prima.

Method Ala Prima is my favorite method of painting for many years. It takes one inspired moment and some concentration to be able to put all your knowledge and expression in one session. And it is worth trying. This is mostly used for doing studies for longer piece, searching for right color combinations or composition. I like freshness and life of this studies a lot!

October 13, 2015

How To Turn A Boring Fence Panel Into A Beautiful Landscape

When was the last time you sat down in your back yard or on your patio to a beautiful mountain scene? A friend of mine commissioned me to paint one of the fence panels in her garden patio. The patio does see some tree tops and blue sky, as well it has a cute little garden, other than that it needed a little something to make it stand out.

Step 1: Fence & Paint
Locate a fence that could use a little TLC and purchase 4 cans of wall paint in primary colors and white.

Step 2: Sketch & Background
Get inspired with your photo collection, the best kind is memorable moments from your last adventure. Lightly sketch the positions of the main objects; water, sky, mountains, islands, and trees. Don't choose complex scenes, the simpler, the better. I started to paint with sponges; regular hardware store sponges are handy when it comes to covering large areas. Apply paint fearlessly and attack the surface. Keyah! 

Step 3: Sky & Mountain Details
Have a break and think about the beautiful scenery that surrounds us in the outdoors. Dream about the details a little bit, what are the special moments of wonder that you have experienced? Is it those sparkles on the water or the whispering trees that catch your eye? Insure to mix variation of colors and gently capture the heart-warming details.

August 25, 2015

Sea to Sky

The day was coming to an end and so the sun was singing in the sky. The beautiful location of Light House Park in West Vancouver surprised me with its new angles. Light was changing so fast that every five minutes you could see a unique painting in the same spot. At the end of the session I realize that the experience of being in this spot at this time was more valuable than the end result. 


August 5, 2015

Beautiful Church in Strathcona

Strathcona, what a neighborhood. Beautiful houses, parks, churches and halls. I always like painting in Strathcona, always friendly neighbors, and many nice cats. Some beautiful buildings to note are this Holy Trinity Church, the Ukrainian Hall, and the Russian Hall, plus you can eat over 208 flavors of gelato just down the street!

July 31, 2015

Dreamy Mountain

Boat access only with steep slopes. Birchdale BC no place like it, great for painting, and the soup is good too!

July 17, 2015

Beach Bum Plein Air

I was out painting with my sweet boyfriend the best in the world! We are no longer dating...